Be Monsoon Ready


Be Monsoon Ready

Monsoon is here, the rain Gods are showering their blessings heavily on us. During monsoons, the immunity level decreases an hence the chance of getting an infection increases. So it is important to take care of your skin. At Personality Ikon – salon in kanpur, we want all our customers to have flawless skin despite the weather change. Since the dust particles tend to settle down on your skin, which eventually damages the skin pores inviting infections.  Below mentioned are a few tips to maintain that healthy skin.

Use moisturizer.

Even thoughmoisturizer is associated with winters, but it is equally important to apply it during monsoon especially during the night.

Keep the sunscreen handy!

Just because the sun isn’t shining it is still important to wear that SPF 30. Using sunscreen on a cloudy or rainy day will protect the skin from the UV rays that penetrate through the clouds.

Minimal makeup is the mantra.

Make sure you don’t apply any heavy moisturizer or foundation and let your skin breath. Just apply basic primer or sunscreen and you are good to go.

Water for the Skin.

Dehydration is very common during monsoon season. Dehydration of the skin can lead to various outbreaks of skin, which eventually can cause numerous skin infections. More the water, the better it is.

Keep a check on your Diet!

Eating oily and junk food tends to show their mark on the skin sooner than later, therefore, make sure you eat a lot of fresh and healthy veggies and fruits.

As the best salon in kanpur, we believe that there are various methods based on different skin ranging from oily to dry. These are the general tips that can be followed during the monsoon season.

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  • Pooja dhawan
    Posted at 19:19h, 28 July Reply

    Good salon in kanpur(Personality ikon)

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